Once upon a time in a small village, there lived a young girl named Lily. Lily’s village was known for its abundant ginger farms, and her family owned one of the largest ginger farms in the area. Every year, they would harvest the ginger and sell it to neighboring villages.
Product information
HAY is a very good covering paint with a fine grain. The application technique with which Hay is applied to the wall creates a very nice subtle clouded effect on the wall. Hay is very suitable for use on large surfaces and extremely suitable for use on the ceiling. The paint is only suitable in wet spaces or on furniture with our topcoat.
If your wall has just been freshly plastered, keep in mind that you should always apply a primer first and only then can you apply the paint. This is because of the suction power of the wall.
Optimal Results with Two Coats
To achieve the best results and ensure a flawless finish, we recommend applying two coats of paint.
Matt sandblasted effect
1L covers up to 9m²
Paint brush
Inside and outside suitable
Dry after 12 hours
Delivery in 2-3 business days • Free delivery above €250