Once upon a time in a small village, there lived a young girl named Lily. Lily’s village was known for its abundant ginger farms, and her family owned one of the largest ginger farms in the area. Every year, they would harvest the ginger and sell it to neighboring villages.
Product information
LAQUEARS Water-based Pu-Acrylic topcoat for interior use with good scratch and wear resistance. Suitable for pre-treated wooden, metal, and plastic surfaces, as well as old intact paint layers. Always make a test patch on unknown surfaces first.
Are your window frames brand new or in need of renovation? Then use our paint primer for the best results as a base coat.
Matt, satin or glossy
1L covers up to 12m²
Paint brush
Only inside suitable
Dry after 6 hours
Delivery in 2-3 business days • Free delivery above €250